Sunday, March 29, 2020

Learning English in NYC

Learning English in NYCMany people who live in New York City and who are looking to immigrate to a foreign country may have an interest in learning English in NYC. However, since many people speak other languages, a lot of people do not understand the necessity of learning English as a foreign language. It is estimated that about two thirds of the population speaks a language other than English, but most of them are from English-speaking countries, so most immigrants are going to need to learn English before they can be eligible for citizenship in their home country.A way to begin learning English in NYC is to take classes at a city or college. The rules for learning a foreign language is that the student must be enrolled in classes that meet the minimum requirements for foreign language. There are also many books that are written for students to use while they are taking their classes.As an example, if the student wants to learn English in NYC, he will need to learn Spanish, but he can also take grammar lessons, because the rules are different than when they were taught in school. Many people are interested in learning English in NYC because they want to travel or work in a foreign country. Knowing English makes it easier to communicate with people who do not speak English as their native language.Students in these classes can find many different methods to learn how to speak English. One method is to listen to tapes or CDs that were made specifically for teaching students to speak with native speakers. The most common method that is used is to listen to a phrase from the English language and try to mimic the pronunciation and the way the words are said in the proper manner. While a tape or CD may seem like a good idea, they can be confusing to a student who does not know the rules of this language.Another basic idea that is used in the classroom is to take notes using a notebook or index cards. This way the student can know what the teacher is talking about, even though he has never heard the speaker say it before. These methods are the easiest to use, and they do not require too much effort on the part of the student.While the best way to learn English in NYC is to take a class, many people are interested in having the ability to use translation software to translate text on the computer. There are several different programs that can help someone who knows how to use these programs to translate text. However, there are also some problems with this software, such as a lack of correct spelling.Students in English classes can also use software to create flash cards and test themselves to see how well they know the subject. A computer, whether a laptop or desktop, works the same way as a book does. The student just needs to be able to read the lesson, and then the student has the ability to show the correct way to say it, as well as looking up words in the dictionary.No matter how much the student will use English in NYC, it is very import ant that the student understand what is expected of him. If the student will not follow the rules in English, he may be disqualified from taking the class. It is also important for the student to be self-motivated to learn English in NYC.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Prep for College Applications Over the Summer

How to Prep for College Applications Over the Summer 5 things to do over the summer to prep for college applications Summer is here, and high school students are excited to have a mental break from all the academic tasks theyve been doing throughout the school year. Many students will choose to work on college applications over the summer so they can fully focus on their classroom material in the fall. This is a great idea because, when students try and tackle all of their college prep activities at once, it becomes overwhelming pretty quickly Our Orange County private college admissions consultants are here to get you into your dream school. 1.   Get organized The very first thing students should do is sit down and get organized. Some things that students need to do to apply to college successfully seems frustrating at best. There are an immense amount of things that have to get done to send out of college applications, but if students break it up into smaller tasks and get a little bit of help the process becomes manageable. Students who are well organized are more likely to complete this hurdle efficiently and still have a lot of time to just rest, relax, and enjoy the summer. 2.   Work with a college counselor Students should work with their college counselor to help them navigate the college application process. Most high schools provide a college counselor to help students, but there are also private college counselors available to help walk students through the process. Whether students are using the Common Application or are applying directly to a smaller liberal arts college using the college’s specific guidelines, a college counselor makes the entire situation easier to manage. 3.   Raise those SAT scores Many students take their SAT or ACT only to find out they were a few points short of what they were hoping for. Although test prep is a long and arduous process, its worth taking the test a second time to potentially get a better score and feel more secure about college applications. Summer is a great opportunity for students to concentrate on test prep with a private tutor and take the test again in the fall or winter. 4.   Work on the personal statement The personal statement or essay is also essential to the college application process. This is where students have a chance to stand out from the crowd and be heard. Personal statements are also part of the holistic admissions process, meaning that the admissions committee looks at more than just grades and test scores. In fact, a great essay can easily make the difference between an acceptance and rejection. Summer provides an opportunity for students to concentrate fully on this important task without the distraction of other homework assignments (READ: Irvine Tutoring Tips: 5 Tips to Cope With Summer Stress). 5.   Apply for financial aid and scholarships Many students forget to apply for financial aid or scholarships. Perhaps parents are going to pay for the bulk of a student’s tuition, or they simply havent thought about it. Many students dont even realize they qualify for financial aid and couldve ended up saving thousands of dollars over the four years. Additionally, there are tons of scholarships out there based solely on merit that can help students pay for part of their tuition, books and other fees, or even living expenses. Most of these scholarships range from $250 to $1,000, and students can apply for several scholarships at once. Life is a lot easier when students dont have to work 20 or 30 hours a week just to make ends meet so investigating some different scholarships is an excellent use of a student’s time this summer. The best way to prep for college applications over the summer is with the help of an experienced Orange County college admissions consultant. Our private consultants have a 97% success rate. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Take the Wheel 17 Hacks for Designing the Best Online Lessons with Your Language Tutors

Take the Wheel 17 Hacks for Designing the Best Online Lessons with Your Language Tutors 17 Hacks for Designing the Best  Online Lessons  with Your Language Tutors Looking to optimize your time spent in  online language lessons?Ive long been  collecting advice, wisdom and hacks from polyglot podcasts and blogs, from books on the science of language learning  and through my own many years of experience as both a language student and teacherâ€"in the classroom and online.In this post, Ill whittle all that down to  the best of the best.The basic premise is that you get the most out of your one-on-one online sessions when you, the student, take the wheel and design the classes yourself.Youve likely never planned your own lessons before, which is why Ive put together this post of 17 hacks.And just in case anyones still on the fence about online tutoring,  heres  an ultra-quick rundown of the main benefits:Theyre usually one-on-one, so you dont waste time listening to others mangle the language.You also wont be wasting (relatively significant!) time getting to and from class, or paying a teacher to come to you.Online classes are  a relatively cheap w ay to have a native-speaking tutor from anywhere in the world.They  can be individualized to match your goals and learning style.So with so much to  gain, lets get started! 17 Hacks for Designing the Best  Online Lessons  with Your Language TutorsResource Hacks1. Use Verbling, italki or WyzAnt for finding teachersVerbling is  a site that specializes in online language tutoring. You can search based on price, availability and, of course, language. Plus, this site has its own video technology! This means you don’t need Skype or another third-party program, so if you find a tutor on Verbling, you can skip the next step below.italki  is currently one of the most popular options for finding language tutors, and offers a wide variety of tutors for various languages. You can select a language, browse tutors for that language and schedule an online lesson, all right on the site.WyzAnt  helps people find online or in-person tutors for a variety of subjects. Its a great option for finding an online language tutor if you want to get really specific about what youre looking for in terms of payment or schedule, or if youre looking for someone who can fit into a certain timeslot ASAP.2. Connect with the  best tech for video callingSkype is the most  common choice for language classes, so your choice of video calling may be settled by the fact that its what your tutor already has. In my experience, Skype tends to deliver more acceptable  sound quality on slower Internet connections compared to  Google Hangouts, whose image quality is a bit better. Good sound is obviously more important for a language class.Google Hangouts does have  Google Docs (see below) integrated, but theres nothing to keep you from using Google Docs separately at the same time youre on Skype.3. Use Google Docs for correcting texts together in real timeIve compared Google Docs to Microsofts offering, Word Online, and while the latter  may come out on top in terms of some word processing features, Goo gle Docs tends to be better for editing your attempts at written language  together in real time during an online class. Word Online has more frequent lag when saving; Google Docs just works, allowing  you to more instantly see the changes that your teacher is making as you edit a document together.Google Docs also has a chat feature next to the document, so you can use that as scratch space for looking at grammar issues without writing in the document itself.4. Have access to quick translationsThe quickest way to get a decent answer for a puzzling word or phrase in many languages is either Google Translate or WordReference; I keep them both open during classes.A better way to look up words however is with Google or Bings image search feature. If youre having trouble understanding something that your teacher says, and its a concept that could be understood quickly visually, encourage your teacher to share a link to pictures of what theyre  talking about, rather than a translation.Fo r example, my Serbian teacher recently sent me this link to explain the kajle, or blinged-out necklaces worn by certain classless hooligans in her country. A picture is worth5. Use online whiteboardsIf you like to doodle, draw or diagram concepts and  conjugations, a whiteboard can be convenient. There are several sites that allow you to simply pop in and start drawing, and you can get a link to share what you are doing with your teacher and allow them  to contribute too. A Web Whiteboard is one good one.Choosing Your Tutors6. Use more than one tutorTheres no reason you should have just one tutorâ€"youre not planning on speaking your target language with just one person, who has  just one speaking style  and viewpoint on life, are you? Language learning is hardly a monogamous commitment, and no tutor  should expect as much.Im usually working with two or three tutors at any one time on a target language. Aside from giving me  various perspectives and speaking styles, it helps me  cro ss-check things. Even the best teachers get some of their explanations a bit wrong sometimes.Changing things up also keeps the lessons more interesting for me, and even for the tutors. I can repeat the same basic lesson plan with several different tutors if Im having trouble with a subject, without the risk of boring any one of them to death.7. Work with native speakersOf course you should  work with native speakers! You want to be able to speak with them someday, right? One of the principle advantages of online tutoring is that you can work with someone from anywhere in the world for a reasonable price.Also, consider the  target version (dialect/accent) of your language. Dont, for example, learn Senegalese French if youre planning  a move to Montreal! If possible, get someone who was born in and still lives in your target region. Even grammar rules can vary  widely in most languages; the most educated Spaniard  from the south is still going to occasionally use different conjugation s  than someone from the north.Id also recommend only focusing on one dialect  and trying to get only teachers from that region, so that you dont have contradictory inputs about grammar and vocabulary, which can be frustrating. If youre a glutton for punishment, wait to take on other versions of the language until  youre firmly comfortable with one of them.I can think of one counter-example in which youd learn  a language that you intend to actually  speak only with non-native speakers: Business English in many parts of the world functions this way. But even students learning English for purely business purposes in Siberia, for example, tend to prefer to learn with native speakersâ€"from anywhereâ€"for aesthetic reasons. Wed all like to sound like natives, in the end.8. Consider if  you want to learn the academic dialectA related consideration is whether you want to learn the academic (correct) dialect  of the languageâ€"as David Foster Wallace reminds us, it  is  just a dialectâ€"o r the street-y, conversational version youll actually use when speaking.Im not planning on ever writing scientific papers in Italian or business proposals in Serbian, so personally, Im always going to choose the latter in my language adventures. My guess is that many  readers of this blog have similar goals, but most of our tutors are at cross purposes;  they feel  some innate, mysterious responsibility to foist  the academic version of their language on us. It can take some convincing to get them to focus on conversational grammar and vocabulary. If you land with a teacher who absolutely doesnt want to teach you the language as its used in everyday conversation, get another.On a related note, when  I was learning Russian I found it  hard  to get female Russian tutors  to utter or explain even the mildest swear words. So, where there are strong gender and socio-economic divides in how the language is used, you may have to take this  into consideration in choosing a teacher. In the e xample of Russian, if  you need to learn to understand and use swear words (which are a  huge feature of that spoken language), you may need a male teacher.9. Ensure your teacher has a solid Internet connectionIf you frequently have problems connecting, dont hesitate to change tutors.10. Find a tutor who is a pleasure  to talk toHaving a rapport with your tutor is important and underrated. A  funny teacher is always better than a boring teacher with tons of degrees! The lessons will be more memorable if theyre amusing, and if youre motivated to speak with  a great person, youll stick with it for longer.Other qualities that factor in:  Does your tutor speak slowly and clearly? Is your tutor  patient, or does he/she get frustrated?  A big warning sign is a teacher who  insists on explaining things in English rather than the target language. Its better to have a teacher who knows how to use pictures and  words that are simple enough for any level. The best teachers can explain most thi ngs entirely  in the target language for any studentâ€"and know better than to try to explain those few things that are too complicated for the student at that point.11. Look for someone who fits your  learning styleAs the great overview of language learning studies  How Languages Are Learned  points out, students tend to do best when theyre learning from a teacher whose style matches the one that they  believe  is best.This is also a safe excuse to ignore all Internet advice (including mine, dang  it!) on language learning; youre going to be motivated and have better learning and retention when youre learning in a way that seems correct based on your habits and previous educational experiences.12. Sometimes inexperienced tutors can be betterA little tip that I picked up from language-learning addict Judith Meyers interview on episode 12 of  David Mansarays fabulous podcast is that you may sometimes want to have an inexperienced, untrained tutor. Highly trained and seasoned  teacher s are more likely to have firm and antiquated ideas about language learning, and are less likely to be willing to let you plan your own lessons (see the last  section).Even worse are the inexperienced and  highly trained teachers. And many countries produce a surfeit of academics who have studied the intricacies of the grammar of the academic dialect (usually as more commonly used  in a politically powerful region some 50-100 years back), but have not studied how to explain  the language to foreigners, which is quite a different subject.Inexperienced teachers generally charge less and are more flexible about working with you towards  your  goals.Experienced teachers can, however, be lifesavers when you need a grammar point explained and your textbook or Internet references arent making any sense. Experienced (often older) teachers have taught  grammar points to foreigners many times, have honed their explanations and examples, and know the exceptions to watch out for.Meyer suggests that inexperienced tutors are better for experienced language learners, and experienced tutors are better for inexperienced learners. Personally, I tend to work with several inexperienced tutors, but have at least one experienced tutor that I can check in with once a month or so for the more vexing grammar issues.Lesson Planning13. Yes, you should plan your own lessonsIts nice and easy to just show up for your lesson and go through something that your tutor has planned.But if youre an active, self-directed learner youre going to get a  lot more out of your tutoring sessions.Lessons that you plan yourself are going to be perfectly suited to your own grammar issues, interests and language level. In my classes, Ive recently been learning to talk about home repair and modernist  cooking, because these are big interests for me  right now. Doing so  makes the lessons more enjoyable for me, but it also ensures that Im learning vocabulary and constructions that Ill be more likely to use whe n Im having conversations in my target language. On the other hand, Ive never in my life had a competent conversation about sports, even in English, so a class that focused on that subject would probably not be so useful for me in real life.14. Prepare by finding material before your lessonsHopefully you already have a good textbookâ€"I happen to like the Teach Yourself  language books, which are targeted for self-directed learners and available for lots of languages.You can plan your lesson based on a lesson in your book, but you can also use  pop songs, real-world videos from  FluentU, short stories, news articles and any other material from the target language. Ive even planned lessons around my Facebook chats with friends who are native speakers, wherein I try to learn the new slang and expressions, and practice using them myself with my tutor in new contexts.15. Nail your self-planned grammar lessonsId suggest that you dont waste time talking  about grammar during your lesson, at least as much as possible. You can learn about the rules from  your book, which hopefully has excellent explanations. The goal of the lesson should be to practice and apply them. (You certainly should, however, prepare to ask your teacher about any issues that you dont understandâ€"and you may want to email trickier questions to your tutor  ahead of time so that he/she  has a chance to prepare for them.)To prepare most grammar lessons, what you want to do is think up  situations that trigger the specific grammar point in question. One sticking  point for learners of Slavic languages, for example, is verb aspect. But for purposes of not traveling quite so far, lets look at how wed study aspect  if we were learning  African-American English, whose  aspect system is distinct from Standard English.A very polished teacher of the African-American dialect for non-natives (good luck finding that!) might be able to give you an explanation, but you could  find that anyway in your grammar t exts.For your lesson, youre better off  trying out  the aspects youve learned, and discovering which one is most appropriate for a given situation.  When should  you say You makin sense and in what situations should you say You be makin sense? (The answer, if youre curious: The second is the continuous aspect, so say you be makin sense  to compliment someone who is wise; the first sentence is only  a valid response to a one-time sense-maker.) Practicing like this reveals the grammar in a much more concrete way, and, more importantly, ensures that you can then spit that grammar out  correctly in context, when the appropriate situation arises.The same applies to learning prepositions, cases, conjugations, valency, etc. Learn the rules from your book, look at the examples, and then create and use more examples with your teacher. In what situations does this rule work? What are the exceptions?16.  Limit your lessonsLanguages are Pandoras boxes of beauty and complications, and learners c an be tempted to devour them voraciously. A lesson about the simple past tense can quickly devolve into the intricacies of the past subjunctive, and a simple, early lesson in  talking about the weather can wander off into hail, tornadoes and mudslides.But, if you want to remember anything afterwards, youre much better off learning just a few limited words and phrases, and how to employ them in lots of different contexts. Likewise for grammar, if you get just one construction down really well, itll stay with youâ€"save the variations that it can lead to  for your next lesson.17. Have some unstructured conversation lessonsConversation lessons are probably less useful than the more structured lesson ideas presented above, but theyre more fun, and they can also uncover very important  vocabulary and constructions that you can focus on in future lessons.If you do an unstructured lesson (for example, on a day that youve been too tired or  busy to prepare anything more concrete), at least take a minute or two to think of a few areas that you want to discuss. Perhaps there are things that you havent yet tried to talk about in your target language? Or an area that needs more practice?During the lesson, make sure that you or your tutor  notes down the new words and phrases that you discover, so that you can go back to them later. A great way to review after such a lesson is to write up a short text about your opinions, using the new vocabulary, and then submit it for correction either to your teacher or to, a lovely website where native speakers correct each others texts.I hope that these hacks have given you some useful ideas for optimizing your lessons and integrating them  into your total language learning plan. If done right, online tutoring sessions are something that you look forward to during the day, and think about long afterwards.Mose Hayward is a  polyglot  who blogs  about the scientifically proven benefits of (and excuses for) tipsy  language lea rning, among other silliness.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

General Chemistry Quiz - Some Useful Information

General Chemistry Quiz - Some Useful InformationLearning about the General Chemistry quiz is beneficial. One reason why it is beneficial is because you can learn the basic facts regarding chemistry. Here are some of the benefits you can get from a quiz about chemistry.First of all, studying the chemistry can be considered to be a very large part of science. What's more, this is also one of the most important branches in chemistry. This means that if you want to study chemistry, then there is no way you would not be exposed to the scientific field. So, as a result, you can benefit from a quiz on General Chemistry because you will know about the things that are involved in the subject.Secondly, studying about the General Chemistry quiz can be beneficial because you will be able to see your test scores. If you have already completed the basics of chemistry, then you will definitely notice how you have done when you take the General Chemistry quiz.Thirdly, remember that, if you have alre ady completed the basics of chemistry, then you will learn more. Furthermore, you will be able to prepare for the chemistry test. You will also be able to pass the test because you will learn more about the subject.Lastly, you can be sure that you can study for the quiz. In other words, you will not be left out when you have to take the test.Overall, studying about the General Chemistry quiz can be helpful. You will be able to see how you have done and whether you are really knowledgeable about the subject. It will also show you how you have done on the GCSE chemistry test.Overall, these are the benefits of the General Chemistry quiz. It is extremely useful for you.

Chemistry Counting Atoms in Compounds Worksheets

Chemistry Counting Atoms in Compounds WorksheetsChemistry counting atoms in compounds worksheets have a very simple concept. You must first decide what element you are going to analyze. Then, you will be given a list of chemical compounds and you will only need to click on the particular compound you want to determine its properties. After clicking the button, the compound is shown in all its terms, which includes weight, color, atomic weight, and so on.Once you have selected the compound you would like to study, the worksheet tells you which results you can get when you determine the properties of the compound. The list may include all the properties of the compound. Or, it may not. There are some calculations that depend on the unit used in the calculations. For example, if you choose grams instead of grams per pound, the results are of different values, and you can also get different results for a unit of alcohol.Once you have selected the results you want to get, you are prompted to calculate the weight. If you want to be more precise, you can add the grams to the particular element, so that the result can be easily converted to pounds. Otherwise, you can take the grams as a reference.Once you have chosen your result, the button that says the result in pounds is clicked. The formula for this is the formula of the element, times the result from the worksheet, divided by the number of grams in the workbook. Then, you enter the result as your weight. Usually, you are able to click the button in the worksheet after entering the required results. This makes the worksheet very user-friendly.A new worksheet is created whenever you make a change to the formula in the worksheet. If you choose a different formula, the old one is overwritten. The worksheet refreshes itself automatically when the formulas change.The answer button in the worksheet tells you how to solve the equation for the different substances. A quick calculation is usually easier than the calculation s based on units. You only need to enter the number of grams in the solution you want to determine its properties. Also, you can click the button to get the results in grams. The result will also give you the atomic weight and the molecular weight.Once you have solved the equation for the compound, you can click the button to see the solid solution for the compound you have determined. You can study more about chemistry counting atoms in compounds worksheets if you are interested. Just read the sections below. Then, you can click the button to get the solution for the particular compound you chose.

How to Find the Right QCT Chemistry Tutor

How to Find the Right QCT Chemistry TutorIf you're interested in taking the QCT Chemistry tutoring, you may find yourself feeling intimidated by the need to have someone else review your work and possibly critique it too. So, how do you find a chemistry tutor that's right for you?As with any program of study, there are many variables that should be considered when you're choosing a chemistry tutor. Obviously, you'll want someone who is trustworthy and experienced and has the right attitude. But beyond that, there are some other things to consider before you get started.For example, ask previous students what worked and what didn't. When a student writes a testimonial about his or her tutor, make sure you take that into consideration. What's the student's overall impression of the tutor? Do they like him or her?Safety and health precautions are important. Ask the teacher and other teachers for suggestions as to which teachers are most qualified for your course, and get references from previous students if possible.Don't rush into an appointment. Just like any other aspect of your life, it's best to make an appointment, ask questions, and then meet in person. It's best to meet in person first to discuss your expectations, because it will give you the opportunity to see the tutor in action before making the commitment to meet in person.Keep a notebook and pen by your computer to jot down notes about your QCT tutor. Go through your notes one at a time and try to remember the highlights. This will help you create a better relationship with your tutor and save yourself time and money. Plus, your notes will help you create a more structured schedule of when you meet.When you're searching for a QCT Chemistry tutor, keep in mind that previous students are likely to have good and bad memories. Consider them to be a resource that you can draw on if you find yourself not liking the teacher or experience difficulties with the lessons. So, take the opportunity to meet your t utor in person so you can learn more about him or her and ultimately get a better understanding of what it means to be a QCT Chemistry tutor.

10 Famous Dance Choreographers from History

10 Famous Dance Choreographers from History Meet the Best Dance Choreographers of All Time ChaptersAurélien Bory: International choreographerPierre Rigal, Choreographer / FilmmakerThe Revolutionary Maurice BéjartBenjamin Millepied, Hollywood's ChoreographerCarolyn Carlson, a Choreography LegendMarie-Claude Pietragalla, a Star in ChoreographyKamel Ouali, the King Choreographer of Musical ComedyMia Frye: Hey, Macarena!Wade Robson: A Star's CourseBlanca Li, the Precocious OneThe Moon Walk, the Macarena... who has never dreamed of designing new choreography for an international superstar?Be it classical ballet or hip hop dance, most of today's sport dance styles incorporate moves from each other's disciplines to create some of the best modern choreography; choreographed by artists from all backgrounds, of many influences.Today we present the most talented choreographers in the history of dance.However, that was not the first time he stepped foot in the Pink City, as that burg is affectionately called.Born in 1973 in Moissac, Pierre Rigal first studied mathematical economics and cinema at the Audio-visual university in Toulouse.This choreographer did not realise he loved to dance until later, when he joined Gilles Jobin's dance training in 2002. A year after that, he launched his own dance choreography company: Last Minute.Like Aurélien Bory, Pierre Rigal and his professional dancers now enjoy great success performing more than a hundred shows each year.His latest show, Scandal, highlights the skill and artistry of hip-hop dancing.The Revolutionary Maurice BéjartThe passionate Mr. Béjart directed many dancers toward fame Source: Wikipedia Credit: Erling MandelmannMaurice-Jean Berger (1927-2007), known as Maurice Béjart, was one of the greatest dancers and perhaps the most innovative dance choreographer of the twentieth century.Belgium, 1960: he founded his first dance company called Twentieth Century Ballet, whose troupe performed all over the world.He was founder of more than one repertory. His last venture, the Rudra in Lausanne, still the most fa mous professional dance school in the world today.Throughout the dance world, his brand of art has been challenged by his contemporaries, who all judged his dance moves too classic for these modern times.Maurice Béjart was indeed inspired by classical and neoclassical dance technique, but his repertoire went beyond traditional moves to showcase musical, lyrical, emotional, theatrical and choreographic elements into his performances.He was one of the choreographers who established modern dance as an art form in France and Belgium, which earned him membership in the French Academy of Fine Arts, from 1994 until his death.Today he is one of the most renowned choreographers in the history of dance.Benjamin Millepied, Hollywood's ChoreographerThe dance film Black Swan has surely not escaped your attention, especially if you are a fan of classical dance. This documentary chronicles the strenuous training of a Swan Lake ballet dancer.Born in 1971 in Bordeaux, Benjamin Millepied is one of t he most sought-after choreographers for any film involving dance sequences. He first came to the attention of American producers as a soloist for the New York City Ballet.Following the filming of Black Swan, he took a position as director of the ballet corps of the Paris Opera Ballet, a post he held from 2014 to 2016.He also married the beautiful Natalie Portman, having met her on the set of Black Swan: such a beautiful story, well worth the greatest of Hollywood scenarios!Benjamin Millepied remains today an internationally recognized performer, influential in the world of dance and theater.The Sun King.Rumour has it that this show will soon make a comeback!He followed up that achievement with the musical comedy Cleopatra.Looking for an educator in musical comedy and dance? Mr. Ouali is the fellow for you! Source: Wikipedia Credit: AuddesignerMia Frye: Hey, Macarena!Have you ever danced the Macarena?It is to choreographer and dancer Mia Frye that we owe this superb acrobatic feat (t ry at 90 years old; you'll understand!)Born in 1965 in the United States, Mia Frye arrived in France at 12 years old, and quickly integrated herself The Centre of Dance  - what is called The Marsh, a historic district in Paris.A few years later, she became a dance teacher, hosting workshops in jazz dance and rhythmic dancing.Introduced to film director Luc Besson at the age of 17, she designed the choreography for French singer Serge Gainsbourg's music video My Legionnaire.It was in the summer of 1996 that Mia Frye premiered what would become one of her greatest successes: La Macarena, the internationally acclaimed dance movement.Not only did she choreograph the dance, but she participated in the Los del Rio's filming of the music video!Since then, besides collaborating with other music artists, Mia Frye has participated on French reality shows such as Popstars, as an official choreographer.Wade Robson: A Star's CourseFrom a young age, Australian Wade Robson demonstrated bucket load s of talent.It was at the age of seven that he was discovered by the mythical Michael Jackson who, upon seeing his dancing, immediately offered him a spot in the music video Black or White.His distinctive feel for pop music paved the way for him to direct both music videos and world tours for such illustrious performers as NSync and Britney Spears, whom he worked with until 2002.He is no stranger to other aspects of pop culture, having designed the choreography for Britney's famous Pepsi commercial, which aired during America's premier sports event, the Superbowl.His fame as choreographer and instructor thus secure, he goes even further.As a frequent collaborator of other choreographers such as Mya Michaels and Shane Sparks, and music artists Mandy Moore, Justin Timberlake and Demi Lovato... just to name a few.He is truly an international star of new dance, whose creativity is a beacon to all.Blanca Li, the Precocious OneBlanca Li is a master of improvisation in dance! Source: Wikip edia Credit: Ali MahdaviBlanca Li is one of those artists of many hats: dancer, actor, director, and choreographer.Born in Spain in 1964, Blanca Li is passionate about all styles of dance: Flamenco, hip hop, classical and ballroom dance... among others.She joined the national gymnastics team in Granada at the age of 12. She then set out to study dance under  Martha Graham in New York, while only 17 years old.It was in Spain that she founded her first dance company, which was contracted to perform for the Seville World's Fair in 1992.Hers was a beautiful entry into the field of French culture!In the aftermath, the Nancy Opera contracted her to stage the operas Short Life and Sorcerer's Love.These two shows won her acceptance from the highly cultural French. Running on their wave of delight and acclaim, she set up her choreography center Blanca Li in Paris in 1998.The following year, the Paris Opera contracted her to update the choreography of their show the Amorous Indies â€" Les Ind es Galantes.To finance her company, Blanca Li provided the staging of music videos for such diverse artists as Daft Punk and Rita Mitsouko.She never baulks at engagement with anyone, be it arranging intense human movement for Beyonce, or rhythm sequences for Paul McCartney!Keeping with the field of dance, why not check out some of the most stunning ballet scenes, to motivate you before your first class? Or take a look at some famous dance quotes?Find dance classes near me.